Chair and Professor of English
Sawyer Library Rm 507
At Williams since 2005
B.A. Columbia University (1993)
M.A. Princeton University (1998)
Ph.D. Princeton University, English & American Literature (2003)
M.A. Princeton University (1998)
Ph.D. Princeton University, English & American Literature (2003)
Areas of Expertise
The nineteenth-century novel and realism more generally; Victorian poetry, non-fiction prose, and drama; sociology and literature; twentieth-century and contemporary experimental or conceptual writing and art.
Campus Life: The University and the Novel (not offered 2024/25)ENGL 263 SEM
Novel Worlds (not offered 2024/25)ENGL 344 / COMP 364 SEM
Aestheticism & Decadence (not offered 2024/25)Scholarship/Creative Work
The Comfort of Strangers: Social Life and Literary Form (Oxford UP, 2016)
Reviews / Press for The Comfort of Strangers
English Literature in Transition
Selected Articles
“Weapons of Mass Reduction” Cabinet Magazine
“Crowd Management: Matthew Arnold and the Science of Society” Victorian Poetry, 41.1 (Spring 2003) 93-111.
“George Eliot and the Science of Society” Novel, 42.9 (2003) 538-45.